Melinda Haughey

CTO, Co-Founder

Melinda is a a builder, a map lover, a UX expert, and a community connector.

CTO of Proxi Melinda Haughey is a former U.S. intelligence professional and successful researcher who has done stints as a UX professional at both Facebook and Dell. She uses her expertise in geospatial visualization, online communities, and collaboration to inform the direction of Proxi, mentor other founders, and drive research in human-centered design forward. Melinda thrives on being an active community member, a digital creator, participating in local digital advisory boards, and organizing local gatherings for women in her network. She is known as a creative, competent, and compassionate leader — and has used these  skills to inform the culture at Proxi and connect with community members using the company’s mapping tool. Melinda received an engineering degree at Texas A&M and is a PhD candidate in the college of engineering at University of Washington.