Use Proxi's AI map generator to map what you already have - text, images, PDFs, blogs, and websites - into interactive maps in seconds. Proxi does the heavy lifting, so you don’t have to.
Do I need a Proxi Pro subscription to access AI tools?
Nope. All users get 3 AI calls/month. Proxi Pro users have access to 10 AI calls/month. Need more? Any user can add 100 extra AI calls per month for $10.
Can I use multiple AI calls on the same map?
Yes! This is where the power of Proxi search really shines! Layer multiple queries on your map to create comprehensive datasets.
How do I track how many AI calls I've use?
You will see a counter in the lower left corner of all our search and AI tools showing your remaining AI calls. Example: “6 / 100 AI Calls Used this Month”
Where do I find the AI tools within Proxi?
Log in to Proxi and open an existing map or start a new one. In the left-hand panel, scroll down to find 'AI Point Generator' and click on it. Then, select your preferred AI tool.
Is there a tutoritial on how to use the AI tools
Yes! Watch our demo video here or read our how-to here.