*Changes can be made to your plan at any time.
Have more questions? We're here to help!
You'll find the add on features in Proxi after you log-in. You can unlock them by adding the ones you need to your monthly plan.
Have it All
Bundle and save up to 65% off!
'Best of' Voting Campaigns
Empower your community to nominate and vote for their favorite establishments or places within various categories.
Price varies by plan. Lowest cost option is annual ($99/month)
Advanced Crowdsourcing
Gather data from your community with crowdsourced points, point approval, custom add point form, comments on points, and upvotes. Plus! Custom pop-ups after point submission!
Price varies by plan. Lowest cost option is annual ($29/month)
Lead Generation Suite
Grow your email list with pop up email capture, point inquiry forms, and gated access with email capture.
Price varies by plan. Lowest cost option is annual. ($29/month)
Gated Access: Passwords, Paywalls, Email Gates
Make money with your local expertise! Generate revenue by selling access to a map. Or, give VIPs access to a private map with a password.
Price varies by plan. Lowest cost option is annual. ($29/month)
Passport Challenge
Create a digital alternative to a traditional stamped passport booklet. Engage your community with a passport challenge, scavenger hunt or foodie passes.
Price varies by plan. Lowest cost option is annual. ($99/month)
Organization Level Settings
Enable custom CNAME for your organization.
Price varies by plan. Lowest cost option is annual. ($29/month)
Map Management + Design (3 hrs/month)
Our map concierge will design, optimize and maintain your maps.
Yes! With proof of 501c3 designation, you will receive plans at 25% off regular price. Email us at help@proxi.co to submit your non-profit documentation.
Yes! With proof of teacher ID, you will receive plans at 25% off regular price.
Talk to your department head about purchasing a Proxi Team account as a teaching resource for the entire department to access advanced features.
Yes. You will be charged for the difference in plan pricing.
Will my maps still exist? Yes, but you will need to reactivate them by making payment. You will not be able to make changes to them. They will be stored in the system as you last set them.
If I cancel mid-billing cycle, do I get a prorated refund on the annual plan? No. You account will remain in ‘paid’ status until the subscription renewal date at which time it will be downgraded to a free Proxi account.
Yes! Every plan comes with a 7 day free trial. If you're not satisfied, cancel within 7 days at no cost.